Monday, October 20, 2008
Weeks 3 & 4 - Language, Cultural Awareness and Counterinsurgency
The goal is to provide every armed forces member deploying as a Training Team (TT) member a rudimentary knowledge of wide variety of considerations in play in their respective Area of Operations (AO), be it Afghanistan or Iraq. I have seen members here from the Army, Air Force, and Navy. While I get a minor chuckle at the cultural differences between services, the bottom line is that they are departing their traditional roles in order to assist the overall mission. Although, it's still funny watching them work their weapon through a clearing barrel.
Probably the most entertaining classes up to now are the Defense Language Institute (DLI) contracted courses in Iraqi-Arabic. They have done an outstanding job in putting together a talented group of individuals that perform the daunting task of teaching an alien language in what seems like an impossibly short time. They also provide invaluable insight in cultural awareness.
As we finish up this phase of our training we looking forward to the tactical phase. Vehicle, weapons, tactics, movement, and other traditional Soldier training awaits. We get in quality physical training in the morning and the food is nothing to complain about. All in all it's been a good couple of weeks as our team appears to have the right combination of leadership, common sense, talent, and experience.
I look forward to getting this mission underway.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
MiTT Week 1 - Lots of New Gear
I'm always nervous anytime I sign in to a new unit. My degree of apprehension is largely related to my knowledge of the unit and the job. My confidence is high if I am familiar with the installation and the unit mission. To say I was a bit apprehensive about reporting to a new job of which I know very little is an understatement. Like any good Soldier, I began preparing for my Military Transition Team assignment months in advance.
I studied a wide variety of books, both military and civilians. My reading consisted of Field Manuals, Economics, Anthropology, Culture, Leadership, Interpersonal dynamics, etc. I tried not to limit the scope of my research to any one topic, choosing rather a wide variety of materials. I figured the success of my team was dependent on: interpersonal relationships, cultural awareness/anthropology, talent. It could not hurt to expand my education on all three.
Anyway, back to Fort Riley. We received our gear, lots and lots of gear. This is my first time receiving a Rapid Fielding Initiative (RFI). All the coolest and latest stuff from body armor to backpacks. Four duffel bags full to be exact. I spent two days in the barracks piecing everything together and I am still not finished. Some stuff I like such as the ACH helmet and the assault pack. Other stuff I'm not a huge fan such as the MOLLE rifleman kit.
Still, it represents the massive investment they've made in equipping Soldiers with better equipment. There is better out there, but it is not like the gear I deployed with back in 2003. When compared to other combat arms units, we deployed with poorly designed gear. Of course, we accepted the fact that the 82nd's and 101st's would always get the latest and greatest. Back then there were haves and have-nots and we accepted that we would be poorly equipped when compared to our divisional counterparts
All Soldiers now deploy with the same RFI. All Soldiers wear the best the Army has to offer. It's nice to see that changed for the better. Of course, the wearing and carrying of all this heavy ass crap will be a different matter.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A New Job and a New Patch